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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  October 31, 2011 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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they are just waking up here at "okay pie oakland" at frank ogawa plaza where they are preparing -- "occupy oakland" at frank ogawa plaza where they are preparing. a surfer now recovering at a bay area hospital after a terrifying attack on a monterey beach. newsroom >> we're live in the top halloween city in america. we'll highlight some. events going on true -- throughout the bay area -- coming up. good morning. i'm dave clark. >> i'm tori campbell. it's monday, october 31st. this is day 20 of the
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"occupy oakland" encampment at the frank ogawa plaza. noel walker is live with a preview of the strike and why some are saying the occupy movement is in the mid. of a rebirth -- is in the middle of a rebirth. >> reporter: good morning. they have these flyers on the website -- fliers on the website too print out. the mayor says if the city shuts down, the city's services will remain open. hundreds of people parched from frank ogawa plaza to demonstrate against what they called excessive police event -- violence. an occupied protester spokesperson says the occupy movement was not bart of -- part of this. >> the march was the police march. i felt that was incorrect. >> reporter: there are also
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reports that occupiers plan to march to jean quan's office. i talked with one of the medics here, one of the people who administers first aid, she heard nothing about that and good news for the occupier, it seems that mayor quan is bending a little bit and says the city has located the missing medical supplies and the city is ready to give them back to "occupy oakland" later on today. for now they are preparing for a general strike coming up on wednesday. noel walker, ktvu channel 2 news. 7:02. occupy san francisco protesters at justin herman plaza may soon get approval for their camp. the committee will hold a hearing today on a resolution proposed by supervisor john
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avalos, allowing the encampment in place. the meeting begins at 10:00 a.m. at san francisco's city hall. we'll continue to follow the occupy movement at just click on the "occupy protest" tab. it's right near the top of the page. across the northeast, more than 2 million people have no electricity after a powerful weekend snowstorm. it may be days before the electricity is back in some of those areas. coming up for you at 7:15, we'll take you live to new jersey where more than 400,000 people are still in the dark. we're learning the san francisco police department recently fired two officers. one officer lost his job for breaking department rules when it comes to dealing with witnesses. the other was fired for using police computers to look up confidential information about a private citizen. the two firings were mentioned in a just released police commission report but the details remain shrouded in
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secrecy due to police privacy laws. the chp is investigating a highway death on a freeway near martinez. it happened last night on 680 just north of highway 4. the chp says a 53-year-old woman from concord got out of her car and started wandering on the freeway. she was immediately hit by several cars and killed. those drivers all stopped and are cooperating with investigators. the chp believes the bomb was under the influence of alcohol. per name has not yet been repleased -- released. a 25-year-old oakland woman facing charges after police say she told prescriptions an syringes out of the back of her mini vann. they say -- minivan. they say it appears she bought these legally across the
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bordered an brought them over. so authorities are warning anyone who purchased medicine from her, they could be harmful. herman cain is now facing charges of sexual harassment dating back to the 1990s when he was the head of the national restaurant association. these are live pictures you are looking at now. there's herman cain. he's speaking -- he's speaking at a campaign event in washington, d.c. this morning. coming up at 7:15, we'll bring you a live report from d.c. about what herman cain is saying about these accusations this morning. halloween is here and a lot is happening around the bay area to celebrate the occasion. tara moriarty joins us live from one neighborhood. that's a favorite for trick or treaters. >> that's the case. as you can tell behind me, the homeowners take great pride in their decorations here. hundreds of trick or treaters will file through here come nightfall and they come from
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all over san francisco. the homeowners here will dole out thousands and thousands of chocolate bars. another hot spot is cole valley's bell very dear street where police block off a couple of streets for celebrations. 24th street will get bustling this morning. merchants there start handing out candy early. you don't have to wait until the end of the day if you have little ones. san francisco has been ranked the top halloween spot in america. in the south bay there's fright night in san jose, in the east bay, there's trunk or treat in oakland's fruitvale district. folks there will be celebrating car trunks and stuffing them full of candy. and students from concord high school will be trick or treating for food. it's an effort to raise money for the food bank there. if you would like to avoid trick or treating altogether,
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you can go to the furniture golf. and -- miniature golf. and we'll tell i about more events coming up -- tell you about more events coming up. back to you. >> thank you, tara. look at this, this picture, a western screech owl caught in a fake spiderweb be hung outside a san rafael home. the owl was found tuesday morning. workers say it was likely stuck for several hours. other than being dehydrated, the owl was in good shape. while this incident was highly unusual, individuals should keep this in mind when hanging decorations outside. >> where did you find that? >> i just -- incredible. >> yeah. let's check in with sal. how are things on the roads? i know i are watching the toll plaza. today is halloween, people are
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on the road early and, you know, a lot of people want to get home early, maybe they are taking the kids trick or treating or maybe some of the younger adults are getting ready for some party. it must be nice. this evening's commute is also going to be very slow as you drive home. it's gonna be slow early because people want to get home early. so keep that in mind. let's take a look at 880 oakland, traffic here looks good in both directions. westbound 580 is getting a little bit slow approaching the interchange. let's take a look at the south bay where, for the most part, this traffic is only a little bit slow here and there. we don't have a lot of stop and go, except 87 driving into downtown. 7:08 let's go to steve. thank you, sal. beautiful sunrise. we have fog on the coast and on the golden gate bridge. so visibility could be lousy in spots. if there's no fog at all chances are you will be sunny and mild and warm again.
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high pressure is our friend. therethere is a system moving in from the north that's enhancing that system. fog very shallow. sunny for most. today, tomorrow, warmest days of the week and then a big drop in our temperatures as we head to the end of the week. the testimony system -- the system is right there. not doing a lot. right at 50 for livermore, then low to mid-50s everywhere else. so the north bay mainly taking the coolest temperatures and there's some very warm air aloft. if you are up around 2,000, 2500 feet you can be sitting at 60 degrees. that will help inland areas. high pressure behind that will give us a little bit of a northerly breeze tomorrow. fog, sun, warm today unless you are right by the water's edge and then the fog, you will have to deal with that. the temperatures will be cooler. 60s and 70s. sonoma at 75. st. helena calistoga. san rafael, 72.
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novato, 75. 68 towards richmond. 72 martinez. mid-70s to upper 70s out towards livermore but then 60s and 70s alameda to oakland. 76 san jose to 79 gilroy. saratoga at 77. cupertino, 77. fremont, 74. keep that 74 theme. pay low alto, right at -- palo alto, 70 and 60s on the coast. there's a little bit of a westerly breeze. not much. turning breezy but that will be a north wind on tuesday and then mostly sunny, partly cloudy on wednesday. thursday get ready for the cold, it's coming in. there will be some light rain but i think the cold will be the bigger story. we'll keep that into friday. with your weekend in view, another system comes in on sunday. >> thank you, steve. 7:10. just moments ago, that's announced a -- nasa announced a new partnership and what this means as far as new jobs after
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shouses were -- thousands of jobs were lost after the space shuttle program shut down. if mark mark zuckerberg can do it all again, woe not have launched -- he would not have launched facebook in the silicon valley. where he would rather be instead. @4
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you can see some of that fog on the golden gate especially right on the coast. inland it will be sunny and mild. temperatures 70s. by the coast it will be a little cooler. upper 50s and also 60s. that's the only bugaboo for the trick or treaters if you have some of that fog. inland, not a story. a big powerful snowstorm across the east coast has left
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millions without power. david lee miller joins us live from west millford, new jersey. i heard it was a heavy wet snow with 87% receiving the snow. >> reporter: and a good part of that snow here. west millionford -- millford received an incredible, 19 inches of snow all the way from new jersey. 300,000 still don't have power. among those sitting in the dark was new jersey's governor, chris christie. he says there are now some 1,000 utility crews on the street. there are also people without power in connecticut. some 800,000. the government said there are now more people without power in the state of connecticut than atny time in the state's
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history even more than with hurricane irene. so there's now a massive effort underway to restore power throughout much of the northeast. why were there so many problems? it comes down to this -- the storm hit in october. we're told the trees that this time of year still have between 50% and 80% of their leaves. the snow stuck to the leaves. it was a very heavy snow and the branches could not take it. the branches collapsed, the trees gave way in many instances falling on the power lines. also there is -- also there's the consequence of this storm, some 12 people lost their lives. one person died when his vehicle slammed into a power company utility truck. there's still massive, massive repair efforts now underway and very quickly, i should say that the damage we're talking about is not just limited to the suburbs and to wooded areas. in new york's central park, some 1,000 trees there will
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likely have to be destroyed because of damage caused by the storm. back to you. >> that's david miller reporting live for us from new jersey. thank you. and republican presidential candidate, herman cain, is now facing accusations of sexual harassment dating back to the 1990s. jamie dupre joins us via skype from washington, d.c. with what cain is saying in the allegations at a campaign event in d.c. >> reporter: good morning, tori. this was supposed to be almost a victory lap in washington, d.c. for herman cain, a couple of events one this personning that just wrapped up. another one this afternoon. he was gonna be able to talk about why he is a unique candidate, so many different in the polls have been showing him higher up in states. but a story that came out last night in "politico" accuses cain of sexual harassment when
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he was in the restaurant business. cain says he's done nothing wrong? -- wrong. >> reporter: now, cain, a few moment the ago at a think tank in washington, d.c. was -- moments ago at a think tank in washington, d.c. was asked by a propertier -- reporter. cain basically side-stepped the issue. it will come up later today when he meets with reporters in a speech that he's going to give at 1:00 eastern time, 10:00 pacific. this story not going away creating a lot of buzz. we'll see how herman cain handles it and what happens later today. >> all right. thank you for that live report. 7:17. well, facebook founder mark zuckerberg says if he were launching his company today he would just stay in boston.
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zuckerberg said he came here to launch it because has what he thought he had to do -- because that's what he thought he had to do. he says he believes there's a certain short sidedness in the silicon valley where people don't commit to doing things long-term. nasa is announcing a new partner that wants to use some of its facilities at the kennedy space center. boeing plans to lease the old shuttle hangar that would carry people and cargo into space. the plan could bring hundreds of jobs to florida which residents say will help their local company. >> local -- will help their local economy. >> i think that's a good thing. >> nasa laid off thousands of workers from kennedy when the
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space shuttle program was cancelled earlier this year. new published reports are saying the antioch school board is violating a state law over student behaver record. the contra costa times said the upgrade last year restricted teacher access to information that included barrier record. republican -- behavioral record. the district wants to know if it can change that system to identify students with discipline problems. well, california schools are preys bracing for more budget cuts. six weeks from now, the state is due to release its revised revenue projections. the sacramento bee reports if revenues are down, funding to students could be cut by 4%. money for bus transportation could also be cut. the state was reportedly $634
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million short of projections at the start of the month. just in time for halloween, a dead rabid bat in san francisco's nob hill neighborhood has the city's neighborhood sounding a new warning. the health department says the bat turned up last week on jones street near bush. the department is now asking anyone who believes they or their pet came into contact with the bat to let the department know immediately. 7:20. well, the bullet train debate here in california, what happens tomorrow that could decide the future of light rail. and sesame street is getting ready for a big move. the long-running children's program is about to air in a war-torn area. good morning. if you're driving to the silicon valley, right now we have some slow traffic just righting to -- just trying to get in. we'll tell you more about that and some of the troubled spots in the east bay. [ screaming ]
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state.
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this is tone na larussa -- tony larussa. there are reports he's retiring. >> i said before i would love to start a business, a bookstore. i hope that -- it's scary. i don't know if the phone is gonna ring about doing something else in baseball. i don't know. >> will we see you back here in st. louis? >> i -- well, we've had some discussions but i really think -- i mean, i've been around so long, this is a fresh start and me personally i think it's better to step away for a long while and i feel great about what is here for 2012.
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>> tony larussa, manager of the world series cardinals announcing he's stepping away, retiring from baseball. as to what he will do next, we don't know for sure. but this is breaking news at 7:23 this morning and obviously he has bay area connections as well. tony larussa, now that the world champion cardinals have won it all, is retiring from baseball. we'll bring you more details as we get it in. well, sesame street is getting a new address. the children's tv show will soon debut inman. a popular -- popular characters like big bird and grouch cho will not be there -- groucho will not be there. elmo will be the only u.s. character to be in that pakistani version of sesame street. 7:24. california transit leaders weighing the fate of the high-
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speed rail line will receive a crucial report tomorrow. that report could finally determine whether it's time to finally kill the $45 billion project or start building the tracks for the bullet train. critics worry about riding the rails from los angeles to san francisco in two and a half hours. >> i like it. it would be nice to travel there bought getting to the airport. >> i have heard things like having a lot of the wrong stops and a lot of bureaucracy issues. >> if approved, it would be one of the largest projects in history. there would be 800 miles of track and two dozen stations. >> i want to see it. >> this sounds like there's still a lot of steps to be taken. did you notice -- did you notice during the larussa press
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conference, one of the reporters asked him is he gonna live in st. louis? and he hesitated. >> i think he's coming back to the bay area. >> he has the animal rescue -- >> he should have said i'm going back to the bay area where the people are cool. >> and where the weather is warmer. >> a little bay area pride there. good morning. no trouble spots on the bay bridge. let's move along and take a look at 880. itit looks nice in the oracle arena. if you are driving in san jose, northbound 17, a little bit of slow traffic, getting into los gatos, 17 is slow and 101 is slow from 280 up to trimbel. let's go to steve. thank you, sir. some fog has come back to the coast. it will can be -- it can be really thick on the bay bridge. temperatures will be mild away from the coast. no problem for the trick or
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treaters unless you are there by the water's edge. then you might have to deal can with some fog. 40s and 50s. 46, fairfield, napa, san rafael still holding at 50. a little cooler over towards redwood city as well. around 52, 53. not much going on today. but there will be by the time we get to thursday. fog for some. a lot of stun, it will be mild to warm. but cooler by the beaches and probably around the bay with 60s and 70s. a few upper 70s to near 80. this could be the warmest day of the week because a big change in our weather pattern. it looks like another system comes in to reinforce the cold air with maybe some light rain on sunday. >> all right. thank you, steve. 7:27. people around the country are following his recovery. new information on the iraq war veteran critically injured on
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the streets of oakland and tea to choose from. keurig is the way to brew fresh, delicious coffee in under a minute. way to brew. so with keurig, every cup
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tastes like it's brewed just for you. because it is.
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a monterey bay surfer could be released from hospital after a terrifying encounter with a shark. kraig debro has more. >> reporter: good morning. i just spoke to somebody in admitting. she said she's gonna try to get knee some information on this young man -- me some information on this young man who could be released from the hospital. 26-year-old eric taratino was surfing at the beach in monterey county. this was early saturday morning when he was hit bit on the neck an arm by a shark. they used beach towels to stop his bleeding. he was airlifted to the hospital. that's all of the information we have right now. we're trying to work on when he
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will be released. i'm gonna head back to the admitting office to see if i can get some more details. back to you. >> all right. thank you. 7:31. well, new this morning, two people about rescued from a mobile home that caught fire on bethel island in contra costa county. firefighters rushed to stone road just about 5:00 this morning. witnesses say a man and woman suffered serious burns and both were taken by helicopter to a local hospital. firefighters say the fire spread to a nearby try, then knocked down a power line before the flames were put out. still no word on what triggered the fire. overnight we had new york earthquake. it was a small one that took the -- shook the bay area. 2.2 magnitude quake struck at 2:42 this morning. it may have taken you. it was centered about two miles east of berkeley. we haven't heard of any reports of injuries or damage. now, berkeley has been the epicenter of several small quakes in the past two weeks.
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7:32. the iraq war veteran injured by a police tear gas canister remains in the hospital this morning. 24-year-old scott olsen transferred to an undisclosed hospital on friday after he was admitted to highland hospital last week. now his room says olsen is expected to make a full recovery. he's listed in fair condition. his family is asking for previously during his recoverky -- privacy during his recovery. the santa rosa city ruled over the weekend, it's okay for the protesters to camp out at least until the next meeting. previously said they could not camp out. protesters said they were worried the city would send in police to shut the camp down. >> we're just upset with the economy and the corruption in
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politics and the corruption in big corporations. >> "the press $"reported 40 people were at the camp as of last night. we'll have more coverage. police have arrested a man who they say made threats against several east bay schools. 36-year-old larry bantola is charged with making seven criminal threats. the latist set was sent to a school last week. investigators say bantola sent threatening letters to schools in concord and martinez. he allegedly sent the letters using a former friend's name in order to damage that person's reputation. at 245 leavenworth street in the tenderloin neighborhood,
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the examiner reports that a lawsuit reports that john way allowed the columbia crips gang to sell drugs out of that building. election day in san francisco is just offer a week away. earl -- over a week away. early voting started a few days ago. the polls will be open every day now until election day. polls are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. this weekend. some residents say a new fee aimed at block parties. you have to obtain a permit of
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$240. before all people had to do was fill out a form and get approval from most homes. some say this discourages national nightout and other events. the testimony continues in the trial of dr. murray. the position caution will question a defense expert who told juror the last week -- the prosecution will question a defense expert who told the jurors last week that he believes michael jackson gave himself propofol. the independent journal reports toxic mercury levels are down 93% from the year 2000. that decline comes after the epa hem -- helped build concrete in the bay. the high levels date back to
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the 1980s when wet weather brushed mercury from that abandoned mine into the bay. well, the recovery efforts are resuming today after a deadly grain elevator explosion in kansas. look at these pictures. three workers are still missing. they are presumed dead. emergency crews found the bodies of three other workers shortly after the explosion on thursday night. the recovery effort stopped yesterday after engineers determined the building was not safe. if this is a -- this is a tremendous reminder of the danger workers face. the 49ers are off to their best start since 19 -- 1998. now we're learning their new home may open earlier than expected -- than expected. ktvu news has learned the city of santa clara is putting the finishing touches on the final financial plan. that's raising hopes the groundbreaking ceremony could be held late next year.
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the city is hoping for a 2014 opening instead of the target date of 2015. this news follows another great sunday for the 49er faithful. the 9ert beat the cleveland browns 20-10, making the 49ers 6-1. frank gore ran for 134 yards, surpassing roger craig as the second leading rusher in 49er history. the late joe perry holds the all-time mark and the oakland raiders had a bye this week. 7:38. if you commute by car or public transportation, there is a new study it says you could be hurting your health. researchers at sweden's university looked at people who worked more than 30 hours a week. they found that people who used cars or public transportation to get to work had more stress, they had sleep and exhaustion problems and people who have
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gotten -- who got to work by either walking or recycling. they also found car and public transportation users struggled more with their health than active commuters. >> those active people are the people sal speaks to when he's giving us the traffic reports. is that true? >> i think so, especially when i announce a crash. a lot of parents leave the job site or parents early to try to get home on this day, halloween. that's gonna make for an earlier-than-usual evening commute. keep that in the back of your mind. 280 northbound looks good. northbound 101 a little slow. people on the road, it's backed up for 20 minutes getting into
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san francisco. if you are driving to the east shore freeway, slow traffic from pinole to richmond. pretty bad getting west and this morning into livermore valley, we had some slow traffic driving all the way to dublin. it's a little slower than it normally is driver than. all right. thank you. we have a lot of sunshine here over the big city sunrise. some fog on the coast and the golden gate bridge can be very thick but temperatures warming up here if you are inland. by the coast, you will have to deal with some of that fog. a little cooler by the coast. but sunny and warm. so trick or treaters not a problem. overall, it looks good. same for tomorrow. that will be more of a northerly breeze tomorrow. a much colder pattern. it looks like some rain but more cold and wind than anything else. this weekend, daylight saving ends. don't forget you turn the clocks back on saturday night.
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2:00 a.m. that's 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. on sunday. it seems to be getting later and later. after today, the system to the north will -- a little system will give us another system. 40s and 50s by the way -- by the way on your temperatures. a -- had a little more of an easterly breeze over the weekend. now it's turning more westerly. today through wednesday should be just fine. a little more of a higher fire dang jer today, coastal fog, a light breeze, mild to warm. but temperatures over by the beach, a lot of 60s or upper 60s. inland, though, plenty of 70s. mid-70s. st. helena, san rafael, 72. mill valley, kentfield, 73.
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vallejo, pinole, benicia crockett, antioch and brentwood upper 70s same for pittsburg. lenton, 78 -- pleasanton, 78. mid-70s around san jose over to fremont and milpitas and same for the peninsula. a lot of 73s to 76s. on the coast we'll find more 60s due to the fog being there. san bruno 70 and redwood shores. san mateo, run turning breezy tomorrow. that will be a north wind so the coast will warm up a little bit. then thursday, it gets cold. really cold. keep a much cooler pattern on friday and take it right into the weekend. >> wow. big change. thank you, steve. why the stock markets are down this morning. plus a prominent firm run by a -- run by goldman sachs is hitting bankruptcy.
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stocking lowered amid worries about the european debt crisis. big news this morning, the firm run by ex-goldman head john core sign, filing for bankruptcy due to heavy investment in european countries. the dow is currently down 131. the nasdaq is down 25. s&p is down 15. a new survey shows the best multinational company to work for is microsoft based in redmond, washington. here in the bay area, net app,
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google and cisco all rank in the top six. the rankings were good on good communication along with consistency, culture along with good pay and benefits. ♪ you are looking at google's new doodle. it debayed this morning on the -- it debuted this morning, car everyoning out 100 -- carving out pumpkins to spell google. the aliiance stopped bombing missions in libya soon after moammar gadhafi's death. they've maintained air controls. the it's senate's allies say they will be available to assist the new libyan government as it builds a democracy. a runner in the los angeles rock n' roll half marathon died yesterday two hours into the
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race. the 40-year-old man collapsed near the finish-line. paramedics rushed to help him and got him to the hospitaller with lateert died -- later died. a spokesman for the los angeles fire department says it was the only serious health issue during the race. 7:46. a defense expert in the trial of dr. conrad murray testified he believes michael jackson gave himself a deadly dose of propofol. from res will -- today, prosecutors will get a chance to cross-examine him. bob decastro is live outside of the courthouse with the details. >> reporter: gear, dave. we're really -- good morning, dave. we're really coming into the home stretch of the dr. conrad murray trial. the also witness for the defense -- the last witness for the defense testifies today. and then closing arguments and then the case could be headed to the jury, likely at the end of this week and then we'll be
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on verdict watch. as you said, today is go into be a -- going to be a very critical day because the prosecution really has to attack this witness, the defense's propofol expert, dr. paul white, who testified he believes michael jackson injected himself with a fatal dose of propofol and/or gave himself more sedatives. arazapan pills. the prosecution says it's the drip that went into his veins that killed him over the course of several hours and dr. white on the stand on friday said he doesn't think that's the case. so the jurors are gonna be left to decide which of these medical experts they believe the most for potentially -- the prosecutors are saying look, even if michael jackson injected himself with a fatal
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dose of propofol, conrad murray is still responsibility at the end of the day. he should not have given propofol. that should only be done in a hospital setting. we'll decide what the jury decides. everything ramping up for the case to be handed over to the jury sometime this week. >> it is 7:48. a recovery crew working out the -- working up the coast of north carolina has recovered another cannon from the flagship of the pirate black beard. the one-ton, eight-foot long had been underwater for nearly 300 years. it's the 13th cannon the group has managed to salvage from the bottom. supporters cheered when the cannon was raised above the walter surface. >> i was thinking about all of the men who touched that and used it and the hard life they had at sea and wondered what their role and relationship was with black beard. >> the cannon will be cleaned
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up and put on display at the maritime museum. the work is not over. the team plans to recover 12 more cannons and three ank as -- anchors. a santa clara deputy district attorney is $10,000 richer this morning thanks to his halloween costume. greg adler went as the -- this ten-foot costume, you have to check it out. it took him 14 pounds to build it. it weighs 90 pounds. cost him about $2500 to make it. he says he will wear the costume tonight when he passes out trick-or treat candy to the kids. a lot of activities are planned today for the kids. coming up at 8:05. wile bring you a live report on some of the festivities hans the bay area hot spots --
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festivities and the bay area hot spots. a call for help from the tarmac, the plea that went out from a pilot of a plane that was grounded for hours by a weekend snowstorm. plus, the big announcement from sports, yeah, tony larussa, he made the announcement just a short time ago. ♪
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okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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"pus and boots" number one at the box office. "paranormal activity 3" came in number two at the box office.
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well, hundreds of airline passengers spent hours on the tarmac of a connecticut airport because of that snowstorm they had back in the northeast over the weekend. passengers on at least three jetblue flights and one american airlines flight say they were stuck on the tarmac for seven hours or more. in fact, one jetblue pilot begged air traffic control for help. >> is there any way you can get a tow and a tug out to us and get us towed to a gate or something? i don't care. take us anywhere. >> anywhere. passengers say they ran out of food, water and the bathrooms were clogged. a jetblue spokesperson confirmed six planes were diverted to hartford, connecticut because of equipment failures and the bad visibility. well, australia's best- known airline expects to have its flights back in the air by this afternoon. quantas rounded -- grounded all of its flights on saturday because of an ongoing labor
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disspew. it left tens of thousands of passengers stranded in 22 countries. quantas hopes to have the whole fleet back in the air by tomorrow but it could take days to get all of the planes and their crews back on their regular schedules. new this morning, three days after rinning the world series, the st. louis cardinals' manager, tony larussa, says he's retiring. >> i felt that, you know, this is -- i think this just feels like it's time to end it. >> we showed you part of his news conference live just 30 minutes ago. larussa's cardinals won their 11th world series of friday night beating the texas rangers in seven games. that world series win was the third of larussa's 33-year career as a big league skipper. the 67-year-old also won back in 1989 with the as. and in 2006 with the cardinals.
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[ cheers ] his retirement announcement comes a day after larussa's cardinals took to the streets in a parade. a parade was held in the downtown area and a celebration followed in busch stadium. there was no official crowd estimate but several hundred thousand fans were expected to attend. we heard briefly larussa says he doesn't have any future plans. he did say briefly something about a minor league team. >> yes. >> he's a great guy. we've interviewed him a few times. he's also very involved in animal rescue and the foundations. >> and going out on top, on top. >> amazing series to win. >> he has three. >> yeah, uh-huh. >> time to go out on top, like you said, dave and tori. good morning, everyone. let's go out and take a look at the commute now. the traffic is going to be busy and today on halloween, you
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should make the promise not to be using your cell phone at all. watch out for the kids. you can get an ens extensive ticket -- extensive ticket but worse you could kill someone. go to and look at our texting page. northbound and southbound at 280 is slowing down. this morning's commute in the south bay, that looks pretty good right throughdown town. let's go to steve. >> it will be a sunny, warm day for those of you away from that fog right there. it's -- when it's that shallow, it stretches from the golden gate out to alcatraz, it's not gonna make much of an impact. inland temperatures very warm. in fact, probably similar to what we had on the weekend. 44 now santa rosa, been dipping a little bit. a lot of 50s. temperatures running over the
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weekend. the system that goes to the north, that should give us a sunny and warm day. so after the fog, it looks like 60s by the coast. 70s around the bay but upper 70s, mid-70s to some inland. today, and tomorrow, a lot of sun, warm. unless you are right there by the beaches. after that turning significantly colder as we head towards thursday into friday. we'll keep a rather cool chilly pattern all the way to the weekend. maybe another hint of rain on sunday. all right. thank you, steve. 7:58. one bay area city is getting ready to clean up a homeless camp. the tough choices that must be made in the days and weeks ahead.
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you got a weather balloon with points? yes, i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at good morning. welcome back to "mornings on 2." i'm tori campbell. >> good morning. i'm dave clark.
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it's monday, october 31st, halloween. well, the protesters from "occupy oakland" are looking forward to a planned general strike on wednesday. noel's walker is outthere live in -- out there live in downtown oakland on frank ogawa plaza with more on what to expect. >> reporter: good morning dave. they have all of these posters up. take a look behind me. people are starting to wake up. we talked to one woman who came from l.a. to support the people of oakland. there's some indication that the city is starting to bend on some of this. first of all, the mayor, jean quan, sas said -- has said that she will return the medical supplies swept out of the camp site next week. the tents are back up and nobody seems to be ready to take them down any time soon. take a look at video this morning. one person has been here since
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day one, told me that there are -- told me that they are a lot more organized now than when they started. they had been planning to start the -- support the general strike on thursday which is why one woman left her camp or -- actually left her loft to come out here and camp at the "occupy" oakland website. she was down at frank ogawa plaza. i asked her to convince people working or sitting at home why they should join the strike. >> [ inaudible ] >> so better be a little bit real about it. >> who? >> last night hundreds marched from the plaza to police headquarters to demonstrate against what they called excessive police violence. the occupiers want everyone to know that they did not support
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that march. they say all of their focus is on wednesday's general strike. they say there are some kind of fringe groups that kind of glom on to this movement but they say they want to remain peaceful, have nothing 20 do with -- to do with breaking any windows or violence. but they do want their point to be heard. noel walker, ktvu. >> thank you. 8:02. well, occupy san francisco protesters at justin herman plaza may soon get official city approval for their encampment. the committee will hold a hearing today on a resolution proposed by supervisor john avilos allowing the encampment to stay in place. that meeting starts at 10:00 a.m. at san francisco city hall. we'll continue to cover the occupy movement on our channel 2 website, click on the "occupy protest" tab. it's right near the top of the page. the city of vallejo plans to clean up a homeless encamp meant next month but it is
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causing concern among the camp. as many as 15 people who live in the encampment along wilson avenue south of highway 37 will be displaced but city officials say they are taking action after receiveal number of plants about noise and trash. the -- complaints about noise and trash. people we talked to this morning say shelter space is limited there's really not enough of us there. the format really doesn't fit the format of what people want or need. i don't think that will help the problem at all. >> some of the camp's residents say they plan to return to the site after it's cleaned up. vallejo officials say the work will cost $25,000. 8:046789 now we're finding out more about the -- 8:04. now we're finding out more about the two san francisco police officers being fire --
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being fired. one was fired for using police computer to look up confidential information about a private citizen. the two firings were mentioned in a just-released commission report. but the details are still shrouded in secrecy because of police privacy laws. 8:04. overnight, this morning. the chp now investigating a highway death. it happened on the freeway near martinez. it happened last night on 680 just north of highway 4. the chp says the 54-year-old woman from concord got out of her car and then started wandering on the freeway. she was hit by several cars and she was killed. the drivers all stopped. they are cop rating with investigators. the chp believes the woman was probably under the influence of alcohol. so far her name has not yet been released. 8:05. a 25-year-old oakland woman is facing charges after police say she sold prescription medicine
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and syringes from the back of her minivan. san rafael police found the woman on friday on canal street. investigators say it appears the woman purchased all of the medicine and syringes legally in central america before bringing them across the border. the marin county health department is now warning anyone who bought the medicine saying it could be harmful. 2-year-old conjoined twins will be accept straighted tomorrow in pail low ail -- separated tomorrow in palo alto. the two are joined at the chest and abdomen. they will undergo an eight-hour operation at loose ill packard children's -- at lieu -- at lucile packard hospital where doctors will separate their sterniums and die -- stern ums and -- ster numbers and diaphragms. sterums and diagrams.
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tonight is called "operation boo." police will be out in force making sure that registered sex offenders are not using treats to lure kids in their home. the crackdown involves law enforcement all over california. attorney general cal ma law harris -- kamala harris will give us more details during a news conference set for san francisco. san francisco's castro district is expecting halloween visits tonight. but there's no official street party there. festivities were cancelled after 2006 when nine people were hurt in a shooting. bars in the castro will be open tonight. but police will be out there cracking down on any drinking on the streets. 8:07. there will be plenty of halloween fun around the bay area today. tara moriarty joins us live from san francisco to tell us about some of the hot spots for trick or treating and they put my home to shame i have to say. >> reporter: i think they put everybody's home to shame.
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we're here -- we're here on santa clara avenue. this house goes all out, a cemetery, witches, cats, spiders. the maddens live here and they estimate that they spent $500 on candy each year. they hit the sales right after halloween and stock up for next year. they started to pick up deck locations here and there -- decorations here and there and now it's snowballed. they do this, they say, to promote a safe environment for kids where everyone can come and enjoy the spooky holiday. >> they come in from all over? >> all over. there's no parking. we average 800 to 1,000 kids each halloween. >> reporter: other hot spots are belvedere and 20th street where merchants start to hand out candy to the little ones early. now, in the south bay, there's fright night at the winchester
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mystery house in san jose. and in the east bay there's trunk or treat in oakland's fruitvale district. tonight in hey bard, there is a -- hayward, there is a har vast festival. coming up in half an hour, we'll introduce you to the madden children in their full costume. if you can believe it or not, the maddens run out of candy every. last year, he told me he had to run to walgreens to buy more candy in the middle of it all. >> do you hand out a lot of candy in the beginning and be cautious at the end? >> they have a plan. they strategize. >> that's a great spot. that's incredible. 8:09. sal, he knows all of the good spots. how are we doing out there. doing well. on twitter, they call that a first world problem. let's go out and take a look at the commute. i've had that problem, too.
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i know what you mean. out to the live pictures. today, it's a little lighter than usual at the bay bridge. perhaps some people are staying home so they can be home with their kids to trick or treat. no major problems on the upper deck of the bay bridge. we want to remind you that it's very important, every day of course. but especially today, not to text and drive. and there's a text later thing on our ktvu home page. go there and you can find out more about what we're trying to do to help quell texting and driving. let's take a look at 237 westbound. as you cross 880, we have slow traffic there getting into the valley. this morning's commute, westbound 580 is kind of a mess. we've had the accidents clear up. and then 580 again from way before highway 13, a couple of exits before the lakeshore curb. very slow. let's go to steve. we do have a lot of
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sunshine but there's fog right on the coast it will stay there. it looks like that will be the only fly in the appointment. a little cooler on the coast. temperatures there probably staying in the 60s. everywhere else will get in the 70s. one little system slicing by to the north. it won't do much. but coming in behind that, there will be a north wind and that may start to take care of this low cloud deck. 40s, still for some. santa rosa, 44. mid-50s oh, a lot of 50s here. but. we see that system right there. there's a stronger testimony, though, that's coming down the weather highway and that will bring down a lot of cold air as beget into thursday. i don't think -- as we get into thursday. today a lot of sunshine unless you are there by the water's edge. some mid- to upper 70s for some. sonoma/napa, 79. brentwood, 79 along with
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oakley. livermore is in there at 78. same for morgan hill and gilroy. 76 san jose, los gatos. fremont, 74 and then los altos, mountain view, palo alto, 74, 75. along the coast a lot more 60s. just too much of a westerly breeze for some of that fog. 60s for some. upper 70s for some. the extended outlook has a forler they wind -- northerly wind. thursday a cold system drops in. a lot of 50s in the highs. we'll keep that for friday. another reinforcement of that cold air on sunday and maybe some light rain. thank you, steve. a scandal in the race for the white house. the republican candidate who is now facing some serious allegations.
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plus a new look. that snowstorm that's battering the northeast. >> and a bay area congresswoman takes up a challenge that people across the country will be following.
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. you can see some of that fog. very shallow. but it's there along the coast. it will be a little cooler for those over by the water. inland, though, that fog is too shallow to make much of an
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inpatient. a gentleman in oakridge newsroom set up a camera outside his home. the camera took one photo every minute and what fell was 19 inches of snow. 86% of the east coast has snow on the ground. parts of new jersey had almost two feet. 8:16. a uc berkeley professor is trying to disprove global warming but now he says it is happening. richard muller says his research shows the earth is 1.6 degrees warmer than in the 1950s. that matches findings from nasa and other agencies. the conservative foundation actually helped pay for his research. muller is set to outline his research today at a conference in new mexico.
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8:16. well, republican presidential candidate, herman cain, is now facing accusations of sexual harassment that date back to the 1990s. our reporter jamie dupre joins us live via skype. he's in washington and that's where herman cain spoke at a campaign event but didn't directly deal with the allegations. >> reporter: you are right. herman cain here in d.c. for a couple of events. he has at -- he has at a conservative think tank and talking about his 9-9-9 plan. one propertier -- one reporter of abc tried to ask cain about this politico -- politico story that said cain had been accused of sexual harassment back in the 1990s when he ran the national restaurant association. along with his coast, cain waved off the question and said, we're here to talk about the economy. maybe around 10:00 a.m. there might be another event where he might take questions
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from reporter. we'llty what happens. 8:16. a status review for the john edwards' sex tape case, that's due this afternoon. edwards' former mistress is suing edwards' aide trying to get the tape back. also this morning, president obama will sign an executive order directing the food and drug administration to take steps to reduce the shortages of prescription drugs. last year, the fda reported 178
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drug shortages. the fda says it's continued to see an increase in shortages this year, especially with cancer drugs an necessary theyicks, and trucks used for emergency medicine. this executive order will be the latest on the president's campaign to move on initiatives that don't require congressional approval. 8:18. a doctor's group -- a doctors' group wants all sexually active teenagers to get tested for h.i.v. a report being released today in the journal of pediatrics says that half of all youth who carry the virus are not aware they are infected. the american cake of pediatrics -- academy of pediatrics is calling on those who get tested at 16 years old, regardless of sexual activity. a major milestone for the globe. the united nations says more people are being added in a
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shorter amount of time. 12 years ago, we passioned the $6 -- the 6 billion mark. according to the u.n., the world population is expected to reach 9.3 billion by the year 2050. >> wow. 8:19. well, get ready, san francisco's ocean beach becomes surf city. yes, the big wave contest that's just about to begin. and how america's economy is affecting the -- scary economy is affecting the scariest night of the year. 237 stop-and-go traffic as you get into the valley. we'll tell you more -- straight ahead.
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8:22. halloween will provide a little bit of a boost for the economic bottom line for some businesses this year. a national survey says the average american household that celebrates halloween will spend $72 on decorations candy and costumes this year. that's up $7 from last year's average. people we talked with say one reason they plan to spend more is because just a few dollars can go a long way when it comes to halloween treats. >> with the economy the way it is, things want to spend money on things that will make them happy. i think halloween is is a happy holiday for everybody. >> many say the easiest way to save money is to make costumes and decorations instead of just by buying them. the bay area is home to several
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events to mark halloween. the winchester house is holding fright night that starts at 6:30. there is a free ghost walk tour around the town of clayton in the east bay. that starts at 8:00 p.m. at endeavor hall. in san francisco, the california outdoor roller sports association will host a halloween night skate. that event starts at ferry building at 9:00 tonight. >> all right, tori. thank you. hey, sal, anything frightening about the toll plaza? >> not really. >> okay. >> dave asked a very good question. it's slow but it's a little bit better than it normally is. it's kind of a big parent day today and maybe some are adjusting their work schedules.
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880 northbound is backed up to the coliseum and it stays that way at hyde street. there is an accident southbound at 23rd but it's on the right shoulder. so maybe people are just looking at that. let's move along and take a look at the commute in livermore. pretty slow getting in the valley. contra costa county, highway 4 has improved quite a bit. definitely the halloween traffic pattern going on. at 8:25. let's go to steve. >> except for some very thick fog but there's plenty out here. speaking of, there it is. that's right down on the deck. so maybe for highway 1, golden gate bridge. could have reduce visibility. a little system up there, that's going to fall apart. that will be here tomorrow. a lot of low to mid-50s.
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temperatures have been told the last couple of mornings. not so much this morning. the weekend afternoon highs were very mild to warm. that will not be the case today. a few of these will be pushing the upper 70s but today, tomorrow, that will be it. after that, all eyes will be turning to the north as a very cold system drops in on thursday. snow level could get down to 3,000 feet. >> dave. 8:26. a large temporary structure, it's right out there now near kelly cove. it's for the professional judges, the sponsors for the surfers contest. 36 of the world's best surfers will compete. the contest begins tomorrow and
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runs through november 12th. >> it looks like we have some swell upon the way and some -- possibly some weather. we're keeping a close eye on that. we're hoping for the best. >> yeah, the surf contest is usually held some place remote and very tropical but this year, the prosurfing tour is bringing -- bringing its top talent to major u.s. cities including new york city and san francisco. if the weather holds up and is nice, if the surf is up, contest organizers tell us upward of $10,000 people could be up there watching from the beach. you can also watch it online. 8:27. a surprise from the founder of facebook. guess what. his tail of city twos when he talks about lunching a new company. >> from san jose this morning how the surfer riding this board survives -- survived a shark attack. and the scariest night of the year is just hours away. we'll toll you about the bay area's halloween hot spots.
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[people chatting] everyone, it's $37 a piece. paying with your smart phone instead of cash. that's a step forward. with chase person-to-person quickpay, you can send money directly to your friend's checking account. all you need is their email address or mobile number. don't worry honey, i'll show you. thanks everyone. so take a step forward... and chase what matters.
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. an injured monterey surfer could get out of a san jose hospital today after a terrifying shark attack that happened over the weekend. ktvu's kraig debro, he's outside of the hospital to tell us how this surfer is really lucky to be alive. >> he is lucky to be alive, dave. i just spoke to the hospital spokesperson and she says it's not clear when the bite victim is released from the hospital. but she says he's not talking until he is released. there's possibility that the bite victim could be released today but she won't know until
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after 10:30. the shark bit him on his neck and harm off marina state beach that's -- and arm after marina state beach. taketake a look at what the shark bite did. the bite missed his carotid artery, which carries blood from the heart to the brain, by 2 millimeters. a friend and another surfer helped him out of the water and he was airlifted here to the regional medical center of san jose. again, there's a possibility he could be released today. that was the news yesterday. the spokesperson here says she won't know if that's going to be the case until after 10:00 this morning. reporting live from san jose, kraig debro, ktvu channel 2 news. thank you, kraig. >> it is 8:31. overnight, a small earthquake shook the bay area, the 2.4 magnitude quake struck at 2:42
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this morning. two miles east of berkeley. we've not heard any reports of injuries or damage. berkeley has been the epicenter of several small earthquakes in the past two weeks. this morning two people were rescued from a mobile home that caught fire on bethel island in contra costa county. firefighters rushed to stone road just before 5:00 this morning. this is a photo of the burned out mobile hone. witnesses say a man -- mobile home. witnesses say a man and a woman suffered serious injuries and burns. both were taken by helicopter to a hole hospital. firefighters say the fire spread to a nearby tree and took down a fireline before flames were out. no word on what sparked the fire. 8:32. well, the iraq war veteran who was injured by the police tear gas canister is still in the hospital. he was transferred to an undisclosed friday after he was
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admitted to highland hospital last week. his roommate says olsen is expected to make a recover -- full recovery. he remains listed in fair condition. we'll have continued coverage. we'll have more on our website. 8:32. new published reports say the antioch school district is violating a state education law over student behavioral record. the contra costa times says a technology upgrade last year restricted teacher access to data that included behavioral record. principals at schools are $tending the information. the district wants to know if it can change the system to identify students with
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discipline problems. california's schools are bracing for more potential cuts. six weeks from now, the state is expected to release its revised revenue projections. the sacramento bee reports that if revenues are down, funding for student attendance could be cut by 4%. money for bus transportation could also be slashed. the state was reportedly $654 million short of projections at the beginning of the month. 8:34. well, the 49ers as you know are off to their best start since 1998 and now we're hearing there are possible -- their possible new home may open earlier than expected. ktvu news has confirmed the city of santa clara is putting the finishing touches on a final financial plan for a billion-dollar stadium. that's raising hopes that a groundbreaking ceremony could happen late next year. city leaders are hoping for a 2014 opening for the stadium instead of the earlier target
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date of 2015. facebook founder mark zuckerberg says if he were launching his company today, he would just stay in boston. zuckerberg says he went to the silicon valley to start facebook because he thought that's what he had to do. he now says although there are a lot of great resources for beginners, like engineers, universities and venture capitalists, those same things exist in other places as well. he says he believes there is a certain short siteds in -- short sitedness in the silicon valley where people don't commit to things they say they will. taratara moriarty is live at one of the busiest neighborhoods for trick or treating and they go all out for the decorating. >> reporter: they definitely do. people have been walking by, drivers stopping, gawking to look at what's here on the front lawn. they have a cemetery, scary dates, a -- cats and a pirate
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ship and even witches. the madden family estimates they spend $500 on candy each year. they actually ran out last year and had to go out and get another. this family has -- does not mess around. they pass out chocolate bars. the maddens see about 1,000 trick or treaters this year. >> they have a screaming skeleton. >> did you carve pumpkins, too? >> yes. >> it was a lot of work. >> yes. >> why do you do this? why do you go through all of the trouble? >> normally for the kids. a lot of kids in the neighborhood. that's probably the most reason why. it kind of promotes a safe atmosphere. >> other hot spots are bell very dear street and 24th street where merchants start handing out candy to little ones all day. in the south bay there's fright
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night at the winchester mystery house in san jose. and in the east bay, concord high school students will be trick or treating for food to raise money and supplies for the food bank out there. tonight in hayward there is a harvest festival at victory outreach compete with game booths. and if you want to experience a pumpkin cannon, they have a pumpkin launcher. it's a great way to relieve stress. back to you. >> thank you, tara. 8:37. just in time for halloween, a rabid bat has been found dead in san francisco's nob hill neighborhood and the health department is concerned about it. the health department says the bat was found last week on jones street near bush. the department says anyone who believes they or their pet came in contact with the bat, you should contact the health department immediately. >> the marin humane society is warning about some of the dangers of the halloween
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decorations and how it can affect animals. look real close at that picture. there is a western screech owl caught in a fake spiderweb hung outside of a home in san rafael. they found this owl yesterday. workers say it was probably stuck there for several hours. other than being dehydrated, we can tell you the owl was in pretty good condition. humane society says that while this is unusual, people should keep animals in mind whenever they hang decorations outside. >> good advice. all right. it's 8:38. we want to check in with sal keeping a close eye on the commute. it was heavy earlier and knew it seems to be lightening up. >> and some people stick around longer for halloween, if they can do that. let's take a look at the commute. in is highway 4. that really looks like a different kind of monday. normally, it wouldn't be this light right now at 8:30.
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it might be lighter. it looks like a sunday morning here. let's move along and take a look at the bay bridge. it's noticably lighter than usual. i've been doing traffic for so long. before we had the advantage of being able to work from home via computers. people get on the home really early and they would be on the road really early at 3:00 just to get home. we'll see what happens today. >> this sh a look at 101 -- this is a look at 101 san francisco. it looks moderate. on the peninsula there was a crash northbound 101 nearby the expressway. there's a couple of cars on the shoulder and 85 is slow from los gatos to saratoga. let's go to steve. all right, sal. thank you, sir. some fog right on the ground, around the bay on the deck. it will be away from the coast. the fog will probably get chewed up as a billion lit of a northerly breeze come in from that system later tonight, jute going by the oregon border near
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eureka. the impact will only be close to the coast. 40s or 50s. temperatures have not changed as much. the lows are not as cold as they were on the weekend. the afternoon highs will be very mild to barm. but -- warm but plenty going on. a rather cold dynamic system is on the way for thursday. it's going to come in here and really give us a dramatic change. today, though, everything stays to the north. high pressure will be our fair- weather friend today, tomorrow and then wednesday looks like transition day. except for the coastal fog, there's not much of a breeze but there is a little bit of a westerly breeze at sfo. it will be cooler by the coast and breeds. 60s and 70s ton your temperatures -- 60s and 70s on your temperatures. 79 brentwood. it's still rather warm. hayward, 72. upper 60s low 70s. 78, 79, morgan -- morgan hill to gilroy. santa clara, 75. sunnyvale, mountain view all in
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there. woodside maybe a tad warm he. san mateo some low 70s. san carlos but then 60s on the coast just because that fog is lurking there. we'll continue to keep the 60s and 70s in the forecast and the five-day -- well, seven-day, excuse me. turning breezy. that will be a north wind. so that will take care of the fog on tuesday. so the coast will warm you. wednesday things start to change. we focus our attention to the authority. a cold system comes in on thursday -- attention to the north. a cold system comes in on thursday. another system and cold air on sunday. >> all right. 8:41. tough questions expected today in the trial of michael jackson's doctor. the witness due to take the stand in los angeles this morning. pusher. it had -- it happened just over an hour ago, the former as manager who just won the world series makes a big surprise announcement. ♪
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm, gooey, togetherness. chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs with just a few ingredients you have an easy dinner... pillsbury crescent dogs... school night ideas made easy.
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this october is shaping up to be one of the best on
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record. the main reason, progress in europe about containing greece's debt crisis. however, a lack of many details in that deal has made things jittery again. right now the dow is currently down, 135. the nasdaq is down 25. s&p is down 16. all right. tori, time is 8:44. let's bring you up to date on some of the other top stories we're following for you right now. just 15 minutes ago, herman cain addressed the allegations that two women accused him of sexual harassment back in the 1990s. now, cain said he was falsely accused of sexual harassment while he was head of the national restaurant association. according to a report on, the two women left in exchange for financial settlements. three days ago, his team won the world series, the st. louis cardinals, and one hour ago,
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tony larussa announced he's retiring. larussa also won a world series with the oakland as and retires third on the all-time wins list, 35 behind john mcgraw. this is day 20 of the "okay pay oakland" encampment at frank ogawa plaza. they are planning a general strike this wednesday. noel walker is joining us live and she is gonna tell us what the protesters are saying about this strike. noel? >> reporter: yeah, dave, right now fire inspectors have just arrived on the scene here at frank ogawa plaza plaza. they are doing daily inspections just for health and safety looking for any violations. they have been doing this really since the encampment went back up after that sweep through last week. we took a tour around this camp very early in the morning. it's pretty well organized and seems to be fairly clean- looking. in fact, one of the campers who has been here since day one, they kind of learned by trial
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and error. and they are a lot more organized and cleaned everything back out this tuesday, back to where you see the fire inspectors. they have a mess line set up where you can't see it. things. >> are just -- things are just getting moving right now. these protesters are -- the strike is calling for the general public to come down to downtown oakland on wednesday all day long. their goal is to shut down businesses for that day. now, may off jean quan has said that the city businesses will remain open no matter what happens. but the occupiers and the protesters that tend to kind of
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glom on to the occupy movement their goal is to shut down business in general. the people i talked to say the mood is really peaceful and light and as an example of that, they started their day this morning about a half-hour ago with what they call liberation yoga and you add halloween into the mix and it makes for an interesting experience here at frank ogawa plaza this morning. reporting live in oakland, noel walker, ktvu channel 2 news. 8:48. a defense expert in the conrad murray trial testified that he believes michael jackson gave himself a fatal dose of propofol. today, prosecutors will have a chance to cross-examine him. reporter adam housley joins us live from outside the courthouse in los angeles now with details. good morning, adam. >> good morning tori. yeah, that expert for the defense, dr. paul white began with a half day on thursday they having -- testifying and during direct examination and a half day on friday. the judge gave the prosecution
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the weekend to prepare for cross-examination which i'm told has just begin literally in the last two minutes inside the courthouse here. paul white, of course, says that michael jackson he believes put himself in the situation by ingesting one drug and putting propofol in his system himself while the prosecution's expert says it was a continuous drip of propofol that dr. murray had given michael jackson and then left the room, that eventually caused his death. now, of course, the jury will have to decide between the two of those. we know that part of the jackson family has come to here these final days. nobody knows how long this will go. the defense is expected to rest their case. if they don't for some reason and throw everybody a curve ball and dr. murray takes the stand, if that doesn't happen, which is expected he won't, then the prosecution will have
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some rebuttal witnesses, the defense will have their chance and there's the possibility the case could go to the jury this week. as we know, nothing has gun as planned -- loose gone as planned. >> the defense could say both experts have their own opinions. it doesn't really matter. we decided that dr. murray was a -- abandoned michael jackson. the key witness of dr. paul white has begun. we'll keep you updated as the trial goes forward and as we get closer to the final conclusion anded determination by this jury whether or not conrad murray is guilty or not. if they do find him guilty, he could face four years behind bars. adam housley, ktvu channel 2 news. a japanese government panel
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says it will take at least 30 years to safely close down the nuclear power plant that was damaged in the earthquake and tsunami earlier this year. the nuclear plant suffered power outages, meltdowns and explosions that released radioactive material and forced thousands to leave the area. officials say the plant is now relatively stable but that it will likely take 30 years or more to safely shut down the facility. a suicide bomb attack today in afghanistan killed five people including three united nations employees. the suicide have suicide bomber rammed a checkpoint in kandahar with a check backed -- packed with explosives. three gunmen rushed into the area, seized control of a building and began shooting at security forces. the battle lasted seven hours before the gunmen were shot dead. the taliban is claiming responsibility for the attack. and there is now a report
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that the obama administration plans to boost the number of american forces in the persian gulf after it withdrawals the remaining u.s. troops from iraq this year. according to "the new york times" the plans have been under discussion for months but were pushed to the forefront after prom's announcement this month that the last american troops would leave iraq by the end of december. the newspaper says repositioning the troops in kuwait would allow them to respond to a collapse of security in iraq or a military confrontation with iran. 8:52. across the northeast, more than 2 million people still have no power after a tremendous weekend snowstorm. this morning, downed trees and snapped power lines are making it tough for people who try to get out on the roads. utility repair crews are coming in from as far away as michigan and canada to help with repairs. but residents have been warned this may take days to get the power back on. hundreds of schools are closed today across the northeast. some of the communities have
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also cancelled or postponed halloween trick or treating. >> i heard they might do it on friday instead. eight minutes before 8:00 -- on 9:00. anian date on mercury levels in an abandoned mine in the north bay. also, jackie speier, what she's doing sparting today. ♪
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okay, so who ordered the cereal that can help lower cholesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. that's yours. lower cholesterol. lower cholesterol. i'm yummy. lower cholesterol. i got that wrong didn't i? [ male announcer ] want great taste? honey nut cheerios. want whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. it's a win win. good? [ crunching, sipping ] be happy. be healthy. can i try yours?
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the flow of toxic her duery from an aban didn'ted mine -- mercury from an abandoned mine, it's predicted 93% of the tox ins are down. -- toxinses are down. the high mercury levels date back to the 1980s when wet weather washed mercury from an abandoned mine into the bay. recovery efforts are set to continue today after an explosion. emergency crews found the bodies of three other workers shortly after the explosion saturday night. the recovery efforts stopped yesterday after engineers democratted the building was not safe. the tragedy is a remainder of the dangers workers face inside elevators filled with highly combustible grain dust. san mateo congresswoman jackie speier is doing
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something unique today to better understand how the poor are struggling to survive. she's holding a round-table discussion right now about food stamps, budgets and nutrition and later on this morning, she'll go shopping trying to stick to a budget of just $4.50. that's the daily food stamp allowance. congresswoman spears's office says she wants to know first- hand how a growing number of americans are living in this tough economy. here in california more than three and a half -- 3.5 million people get food stamps. one more time, let's check in with sal and see how traffic is kinding down this morning. sal? >> that's right, sal. i'll wait for you -- going bridge monday 101 -- golden gate bridge, 101 northbound. southbound traffic pay be -- may be affected. westbound bay bridge traffic getting busier now.
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southbound 101 looks good. let's go to steve. you saw some of that thick fog on the golden gate. it will be sunny, mild, warm today. tomorrow we will get a north wind. that should not only give us a clear and sunny day. after that we look for a cold system to come down here on thursday and friday. temperatures are gonna take a pretty good drop. >> it will be interesting to see how that occupies the -- how that affects the pock pie -- the occupy protesters. we are always here for you at and mobile ktvu. thank you for joining us. >> bye now. aaron, you're all set. great, thanks.
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mike, thanks for doing that discount double check. you saved us hundreds. what was that? the discount double check? it's when we comb through your policies and make sure that you're getting all the discounts you deserve. no, i get that part, but you guys are doing my move. the discount double check move? that's my touchdown dance. so you're a dancer? no, i'm a quarterback. oh, a quarterback. mrr. i'm a robot. mm, mm. ee, er, ee, er. get out of here. [ male announcer ] aaron rodgers got his. how about you?


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